Sunday, 9 March 2014



Why Do We Need to 'Understand' Fans? A Conversation with Mark Duffett (links to Henry Jenkins' blog)

Boy Bands: The Pop Unmuted Podcast (link to extended audio podcast interview on the subject of boy bands)

Perceptions of Female Pop Fans (an in-depth, two part interview on pop fandom)


An Interview with 'Richard' author Ben Myers (Manics fandom, celebrity, myth, fiction)

Parasocial Relations: An Interview with Gayle Stever (SUNY Psychologist discusses fandom)

Anyone Can Do It: Empowerment, Tradition and the Punk Underground: Interview with Pete Dale (MMU Senior Lecturer in Popular Music discusses punk, egalitarianism and critical theory)

/v/IRAL /v/IDEO / d/ISCO: Interview with Alan Hook, Lecturer in Interactive Media, University of Ulster

'You Get What You Need': Interview on Rolling Stones Fan Culture with Dr. Andrea Baker (Ohio Sociology Professor discusses her research on Stones fandom): part 1 and part 2.

An Affront to 'Good Secularism'? (Interview with Exhaltation (2014) author, Dr Mark Jennings on Proto-Religiosity and Popular Music Fandom)

'In Dylan Town': Interview with Dr David Gaines (the University of Texas at Austin Associate Professor discusses his book on Dylan fans): part 1 and part 2.

'Beatleness': Interview with Candy Leonard on 1960s American Beatles fans: part 1 and part 2.